Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia

This is my 13th year living free from environmental illness. I was once told I would die if I left the care of a prominent doctor who specialized in the treatment of MCS, etc. A miracle saved my life two weeks after I was admitted to the only hospital that included an environmental unit. This would be the beginning of a new life for me and my family and would encompass a maverick doctor who came to my bedside with hope and an answer to my prayers. This doctor stepped out of the realm of hospital protocol to give my life back to me.

The journey had been so difficult for me up to that point but now I realize my experience can help others to look elsewhere for answers.

There is so much to share and I wait for your questions.
No one will believe this is happening in the 21st century.

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Dance on a Cloud

I have no experience as a writer. I only have survived the dubious diagnosis of multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. I began a disheartening journey through both the traditional and alternative medical realm, seeking answers but instead given treatments that only worsened my conditon. A spiral downward years later found me in the only hospital unit available in the United States for the environmentally ill. Destined to gain back my health, I began a struggle between the most powerful doctor renown in environmental medicine, and a small town doctor, true maverick in the traditional sense, who both were determined to save my life. This true story will unnerve all who are on a path to regain their health as well as give hope .